Saturday, March 15, 2023, 8:00am - Regular monthly bird walk - Weyanoke Sanctuary
1501 Armistead Bridge Road in the West Ghent neighborhood in Norfolk. The sanctuary is open once a month for a guided bird walk, except during our summer break (June, July, August).
To check out recent and past sightings at the sanctuary go to its eBird Hotspot site at
Wednesday, March 19 - Monthly Membership Meeting 7:30 PM at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 201 St. Paul's Blvd., Norfolk, VA.
Our March speaker will be Reese Lukei. Reese is a long time volunteer for the Center For Conservation Biology where he is currently on the staff. He has several publication to his name. His presentation will feature the description, behavior, nest sites, history, distribution, recovery and current status of the peregrine falcon in Virginia with a focus on the Tidewater and Eastern Shore regions of Virginia.
Please note: Attendees will need to scan the QR code which is posted at various places in the parking lot and also inside the building. Put the information requested, including your license plate number, and add the validation code which will be made available by the CHAS president at the front door.
Sunday, March 30 - CHAS field trip to Dismal Swamp to search for Dwarf Trillium